When it comes to posting on Instagram, Do you stare at the thousands of photos on your phone and not know where to start?  Knew you had a cute pic you wanted to share on Instagram but by the time you actually find you have no clue what to say?

I hear you, sis

I hear you, because I was you. I would sit around trying to figure out what pic to post and then what to say about it for both my business AND blog accounts. I had this fantasy where I wanted to be able to schedule my posts a month out, but no matter how many apps I downloaded I found it difficult to see the big picture on my tiny phone.

Overwhelmed with too many choices, my reaction was often to just screw it all and go back to Netflix.

See, most of us try to find a great photo to post and then come up with something clever to say about it.

But have you ever thought of actually starting with the CAPTION FIRST and then the photo?

🤯 Yeah this ONE idea changed everything for me.

With this in mind, I devised a system that allows me to write out my posting plan DAYS at a a time. Coupling that with a new organization method,  and  I FINALLY  have arrived at a system where I am on a stress-free plan for posting and engaging with my audience. 

Sound familiar?

If this sounds at all familiar to you, I have a FREE mini-course that will introduce you to the system I’ve put together that finally helped me schedule out a month of Instagram content at a time and draft brand-building captions that increase engagement with my audience.

I’ve been running my business over 16+ years and have relied heavily on social media as my primary marketing platform. I’ve been through the struggles and worked through the trial and error to create a system that works for me to manage my social media without it managing ME.

I want you to stop posting random content and start creating a feed that tells your brand story. It’s about connecting with your audience to build engagement because un-engaged followers DON’T PAY THE BILLS!

This FREE mini-course includes: 

✅ A VIDEO lesson where I walk you through an engaging way to look at your Instagram content and create a new system for planning brand-building content and captions that engage. 

✅ PLUS a downloadable worksheet for drafting the ideas taught and get you on your way to planning your content in a new way.

You can either continue to struggle with what to post on Instagram for your brand, business or blog OR invest NOTHING right now and get introduced to a system that works for my Post-it note ruled mind and helps me run TWO instagram accounts for my businesses and blog.

So what are you waiting for?