Hands down, best time of the year! I don’t know if it’s the nostalgic memories of dressing up and going out trick-or-treating in the crisp fall air. That moment when you open up your heavy pillow case and take a whiff of that bag of candy…..ahh the smell of fall.
Could just be all the free candy. Come on, it’s a holiday that is primarily focused around CANDY and how to get it. Now this is an American tradition I love!
Sure some may revel in the scary & spooky, but this girl keeps the main purpose in perspective–GET CANDY. This Halloween display celebrates that tradition, by putting the focus on the good stuff, bringing in some chic black and white stripes, and keeping the sweets center stage.
Start with a bold runner, some sleek jars, candy dishes, and plenty of candy.
I added in this decorative gold foil print that reads ” Happy Happy”. Because Halloween makes me happy. Note the font, look familiar? Yes this is a new modernEID design launched at the same time as this blog!

If you place it near your front door, you can keep this display around all month and then pass out the candy come Halloween. If there’s any left that is.
// SOURCES // Banner & glitter letters: modernEID.com Gold Foil Happy Happy art print: modernEID.com Tissue Fringe Garland: purchased from Geronimo Balloons, similar available at The Flair Exchange or make your own with this tutorial from The Sweetest Occasion. Glass Apothecary candy jars: similar from MyGift®